There are no current vacancies at On The Point. Please check back regularly as a position may come available

Success Story 

Lewis Yetsenga – Trainee Chef

During Covid, Rotorua and New Zealand struggled to employ hospitality and tourism personnel.  Chefs were especially hard to come by.  At On The Point we took a different approach and decided to advertise for someone who had desires to become a Chef, and we were delighted with the response.  I mean imagine being given a job in a fine dining restaurant working with 3 award winning and very qualified Chefs, all processing a variety of skills in the food industry to share their experiences and knowledge.   Lewis was that successful person!  Since learning the basic skills in the kitchen, he is now working with our breakfast Chef learning the art of delivering the best eggs benedict.  He will soon be attacking the theory side of the business by attending Toi Ohomai one day a week which will assist him in achieving his goals.